

[button type=”big” color=”red” link=””]Please Pledge Now![/button]

Every 25 days, an American is a victim of dolphin rape.

And those are just the people that survive and report this heinous act.

How many others have been victimized by these predators of the sea?

Hello, this is Shawn from We Like Shooting, will you be an angel for these helpless humans? Every day innocent people are raped, beaten and left for dead and are crying out for help. Please click the button below and join us in this fight for our very species. For just $.50 per episode, you’ll help support our mission to spread the word about the base degenerates of the sea. Pledge in the next 30 minutes and you’ll receive We Like Shooting swag and allow us to continue our mission and spread the word so that no more Americas, nay humans will have to endure this ultimate betrayal by mother nature.

Right now, there’s a person that needs us. Your pledge says, “I’m here to help”.

Please pledge… right now.

[button type=”big” color=”red” link=””]Please Pledge Now![/button]

*This is really just a shameless promo for the We Like Shooting show on the Firearms Radio Network.  Please support the show, then subscribe!


Be sure to like We Like Shooting on social media!

We Like Shooting